
5 Surprise Facts about Online Alcohol Delivery Platforms

Most people know that it is possible to order alcohol online. But most people don’t see what you can get delivered or how much selection there is for delivery. With the growing number of media out there, we decided to compile a list of few surprising facts about this industry just for you!

The facts

  1. According to a study by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board, only about half of all online alcohol sales come from wine. The cellarbration is a great way to explore new wines, but people are surprised that beer accounts for much more than wine when it comes to online alcohol sales.
  2. More than half of all online alcohol sales come from beer. This means more options for people who want to order just a six-pack or two of their favourite brews!
  3. There are over 13,000 online alcohol delivery platforms that have been created since 2012.
  4. This number is expected to double by 2020.
  5. People are more likely to buy alcohol online if the platform provides a delivery guarantee.


As you can see, there are surprising facts about online alcohol delivery platforms that people may not realize. If you want to learn more, have more research about the topic and think of giving it a try atleast once.

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